Greens back £15 an hour Minimum Wage and declare support for trade union campaigns on pay

2 October 2022

The Green Party has backed the introduction of a £15 an hour minimum wage for all workers at its conference in Harrogate [1]. Party members also declared their support for all trade union campaigns that aim to achieve wage increases to match the cost of living. 

Professor Catherine Rowett, Green Party Work, Employment and Social Security spokesperson, said:

“Inflation and the cost of living crisis are having a dramatic negative impact on the real value of the existing National Living Wage, which has never been a real living wage anyway. The Green Party recognises the dire levels of in-work poverty created by our low-wage economy, and the overwhelming support from members for a £15 minimum wage will be welcome news to millions of workers.

“Decades of Tory, Labour and Coalition governments have created a Poverty Economy where 14.5 million people are living in poverty. One in ten full-time workers are in poverty, rising to a third of working-age adults in families where there is only part-time work. Today Greens said it’s time to fight back and create a new social contract, where a basic standard of living isn’t a luxury.

“This is one part of a full package of measures we would introduce to deliver a fairer and more equal society. The Green Party has long-standing policies for a Universal Basic Income and legislation to limit the maximum salary in an organisation to no more than ten times the wage of its lowest paid worker.” 



The full motion can be read here:

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