Green response to announcement UK will phase out Russian oil imports


8 March 2022

Responding to the announcement from Boris Johnson that the UK is to phase out oil imports from Russia by the end of this year [1], co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“The decision by the UK government to phase out oil imports and the European Commission to cut its dependency on Russian gas by two-thirds this year [2], goes right to the heart of this deadly invasion. Fossil fuel money is blood money as it is funding Putin’s brutal assault on Ukraine.

“However, it is crucial that this announcement by Boris Johnson is not a prelude to an energy strategy that seeks to ramp up North Sea oil and gas production or reboot deeply unpopular fracking.

“We need to end our dependency on all oil and gas and urgently invest in domestic renewables and home insulation. This is the way to address the cost of living crisis affecting millions of households as well as tackle the climate emergency and deliver longer term energy security.”




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