Green Party

Nuclear power is a distraction from cleaner, cheaper solutions, say Greens

22 March 2022

Nuclear power is a distraction from cleaner, cheaper solutions, say Greens 

Responding to the announcement by the government that it plans for the UK to get 25% of its electricity from nuclear power [1], co-leader of the Green Party, Adrian Ramsay, responded: 

Nuclear energy is an expensive distraction at a time...Read More »

Greens urge Chancellor to announce £250bn home retrofit plan in Spring Statement to tackle cost of living crisis

21 March 2022

  • Greens call for retrofitting of 10 million homes over the next decade, as well as insulating every home that needs it
  • Tax on energy companies could help fund energy efficiency improvements to end fuel poverty
  • Adrian Ramsay: “Our Green plan would simultaneously address the three most pressing crises we are...Read More »

Greens say fuel duty cut would not fix the cost of living crisis

21 March 2022

  • People need help right now – but cuts to fuel duty aren’t targeted to support the poorest
  • Focus should be on an uplift to the incomes of the poorest while ensuring everyone can keep warm in their homes

Responding to pressure from some Tory MPs for a fuel duty cut...Read More »

Caroline Lucas responds to the Nature Recovery Green Paper launched by DEFRA

16 March 2022

Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP for Brighton Pavilion, has the following response to the launch of the Government’s Nature Recovery Green Paper and Environmental Targets consultation out today:

“The Nature Green Paper and Environmental Targets consultation out today fall embarrassingly short of stopping and reversing nature’s decline.

I’m...Read More »

New UK visa scheme “a pale imitation” of proper refugee support, Greens warn

14 March 2022

The UK government’s new visa scheme does not go far enough to help families fleeing war in Ukraine, the Green Party has warned.

Benali Hamdache, Green Party migration and refugee support spokesperson, said:

“This is a pale imitation of the welcome the European Union has rolled out....Read More »

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