Green Party

Greens oppose extending windfall tax to renewable sector

24 May 2022

The Green Party has said the renewable energy sector should not be liable for a windfall tax and that fossil fuel companies must not be able to avoid such a tax by ‘hiding behind the façade of clean energy investments.’ Greens have made the demands following suggestions...Read More »

Greens call on ‘serial liar’ Johnson to resign after party pictures emerge

23 May 2022

Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer has said the Prime Minister must finally do the right thing and resign after ITV News published pictures of him drinking at a party during lockdown [1].

Denyer said:

“It is now more clear than ever that Boris Johnson attended parties at...Read More »

Greens press for 10:1 pay ratio law as gap between bosses and staff continues to widen

23 May 2022

The Green Party has repeated its call for the pay ratio between chief executives and their workers to be limited to a ratio of 10:1. The demand comes as new evidence reveals pay ratios in the first months of 2022 averaged 63:1, almost doubling the ratio in...Read More »

Green Party respond to government decision to 'smash' Northern Ireland Protocol

17 May 2022

Responding to the statement by the Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss, that the government plans to legislate to rewrite the Northern Ireland Protocol [1], Green Party co-leader, Carla Denyer, said:

“At least this government is consistent. They make rules and agree to laws and then routinely break them. From breaking...Read More »

Ofgem: tinkering with energy cap review fails to address cost of living crisis

16 May 2022

Responding to the announcement by energy regulator Ofgem that it plans to review the energy cap every three months rather than the current six months [1], co-leader of the Green Party, Adrian Ramsay, said:

“Changing the goalposts in this way will do nothing to help the millions...Read More »

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