Green Party

New Green Party spokespeople adds to ‘rich tapestry of talent’

24 June 2022

The Green Party of England and Wales has unveiled five new spokespeople for the Party, making a 14-strong speaker team who will stand alongside the party’s leadership as experts in their areas of advocacy.

The new positions include spokespeople for Transport and Healthy Streets; Peace and Global...Read More »

Green Party calls for lawyer MPs who break rule of law to be suspended from professional bodies

23 June 2022

The Green Party has called for legally trained politicians who vote for legislation which disregards the rule of law to be suspended from the Law Society and the Bar Council.

Co-leaders Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay have written to the two legal professional bodies asking them to...Read More »

Cost of living crisis is actually an income crisis and inequality scandal, say Greens

17 June 2022

  • Increase minimum wage, ensure public sector wages keep pace with inflation and start restoring real wage losses from years of austerity
  • Restore the £20 uplift to Universal Credit and double it to £40 per week
  • Increase tax on the wealthiest to tackle rising inequality and support those on lowest incomes 

As...Read More »

Not In Our Name - Greens slam 'abhorrent' Rwanda plan, calling for safe routes not deportation routes

14 June 2022

Responding to the imminent deportation flight of asylum seekers to Rwanda under the government’s asylum policy, Adrian Ramsay, co-leader of the Green party, said:

“The government’s plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda today is utterly abhorrent and has been widely condemned, from the UN and human rights lawyers...Read More »

Green Party condemns Brexit legislation as turning UK into pariah state

13 June 2022

  • Challenges Johnson’s suggestion that this is ‘not a big deal’

Responding to the expected publication of legislation to breach the Northern Ireland protocol the UK government signed up to [1], Molly Scott Cato, Green Party finance and economy spokesperson and former MEP, said:

“By publishing legislation to break...Read More »

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