Green Party

Green Party statement on the announcement of new fracking sites

22 September 2022

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said: 

“Fracking will deepen our country’s dependence on fossil fuels. It will not bring down fuel bills for people who are struggling and will cause more damage to local communities and to the climate.

“The government has chosen to ignore warnings from...Read More »

Caroline Lucas condemns the energy efficiency-shaped hole at heart of energy plan for businesses

21 September 2022

Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP for Brighton Pavilion, has the following response to BEIS Secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg’s statement on energy bills support for businesses:

“No wonder Jacob Rees-Mogg clearly wished to avoid Parliamentary scrutiny on this critical energy crisis support for businesses – there is an energy efficiency-shaped hole...Read More »

Green Party of England and Wales statement on the death of Queen Elizabeth II

8 September 2022

The Green Party of England and Wales has expressed sincere condolences to the entire Royal Family following the extremely sad news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II. 

Co-leader Adrian Ramsay said: “This is a moment of great sadness for our nation. 

“The Queen served this...Read More »

Fossil fuels not the solution: Truss plan will boost climate destroying industries, warn Greens

8 September 2022

  • Truss plan leaves energy unaffordable for millions of households
  • Only renewables and insulating people’s homes will help tackle both cost of living crisis and climate crisis

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay has slammed the Prime Minister’s plan to cap energy costs through an increase in government debt while...Read More »

Liz Truss as Prime Minister is “disaster for the UK and the climate”, warn Greens

5 September 2022

The Green Party has warned the Liz Truss premiership risks further fueling the climate crisis and worsening inequality throughout the country. 

The Greens are calling on the new prime minister to deal with the immediate fallout of the cost of living crisis and tackle the climate...Read More »

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