Green Party

Deputy Leader Autumn Conference speech 2022

1 October 2022

Thank you.

Let me tell you about what happened in my first engagement as the new Deputy Leader, I was at a community garden: a group of urban food growers were launching a handbook called Growing for Change. I’d been invited to speak to everyone and...Read More »

Co-leaders Autumn Conference speech 2022

30 September 2022


Thanks so much for the fantastic welcome. It’s great to be here in Harrogate. Thank you to Arnold for the kind introduction and to our chief executive Mary, for setting out so clearly our way forward as a party.

Every one of us knows this is a crunch...Read More »

Tax the richest 1% to pay for better, warmer homes, say Greens

30 September 2022

  • Green Party co-leaders announce emergency package to halt and reverse rise in inequality and tackle climate change

  • Wealth tax on richest 1% and watertight windfall tax backdated to January would raise £75bn to help improve homes

  • Carla Denyer: “It really...Read More »

Greens welcome Labour vote to support Proportional Representation

26 September 2022

Green Party deputy leader Zack Polanski has welcomed the news that Labour members have voted overwhelmingly to ditch the first past the post system (FPTP) and replace it with proportional representation (PR) at general elections.

Polanski said:

“It’s promising to see Labour members vote overwhelmingly to join...Read More »

Greens condemn cash bonanza for bankers, polluters and the wealthy

23 September 2022

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay today condemned the mini-budget as a tax giveaway that will leave millions of families struggling to put food on the table and to heat their homes this winter. 

He said:

“The Chancellor has shown his priorities – a cash bonanza for bankers,...Read More »

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