Green Party

Greens call for prosecution of those most responsible for climate breakdown

2 October 2022

  • Call for a legal process to prosecute those most responsible for the UK having failed to protect people and habitats from climate breakdown
  • Liz Truss instructing King Charles not to attend COP27 “a shameful end to the UK’s tenure as COP president” – Carla Denyer

Green Party co-leader,...Read More »

Greens call for re-joining the EU “as soon as political situation is favourable”

2 October 2022

  • “The country is paying a high price for Brexit, in economic, social and environmental terms. We should look to re-join the EU as soon as it is practicable to do so” – Molly Scott Cato, former Green MEP
  • Call for speedy return to free movement and re-joining the...Read More »

Amelia Womack speech to Autumn Conference 2022

2 October 2022

Hello, conference. It’s wonderful to be here with you in Harrogate – and a warm welcome, to all those joining us online too. 

How much has changed since we were last here, in 2017. 

Back then, Theresa May had just lost her majority. 

The government was...Read More »

Greens back positive charter of worker and trade union rights

1 October 2022

Green Party conference today pledged to support working people resisting the latest anti-trades union laws and committed itself to working with unions to establish a charter of positive rights. [1]

Professor Catherine Rowett, Green Party Work, Employment and Social Security spokesperson, said:

“The Conservative government is enabling firms to...Read More »

No environmental justice without social, racial and economic justice, says deputy leader Zack Polanski

1 October 2022

  • Zack Polanski highlights importance of diversity, representation and electoral reform in speech to Harrogate conference
  • “There’s only one authentic response to people struggling just to get by and that response is solidarity” – Zack Polanski

The new deputy leader of the Green Party, Zack Polanski, has told the party’s...Read More »

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