Green Party

Greens offer snap reaction to #ITVDebate

Speaking from the ITV spin room, Green Party Co-Leader, Zack Polanski, gave a snap reaction to the ITV Debate saying: 

“Tonight the greens hopeful and ambitious vision for Britain clearly...Read More »

Labour manifesto represents a diagnosis of doom for our NHS Greens warn

Responding to the publication of the Labour Party’s Manifesto that promises an “unprecedented slowdown” in NHS finances, Green Party Co-Leader Adrian Ramsay said,

“This Labour Party manifesto is a diagnosis...Read More »

Green Party response to Labour’s manifesto 

Responding to the launch of Labour’s manifesto, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“Keir Starmer has today promised a change in direction. But he’s bound a future Labour government in...Read More »

Greens pledge ‘Investment to mend broken Britain’ 

  • Green Party to unveil Real Hope Real Change manifesto to invest to mend broken Britain  
  • Greens to propose fairer tax system to fund investment.  
  • Investment will focus on tackling housing and climate crises and healing the NHS 

The Green Party will today promise real change in a manifesto designed to “invest to mend...Read More »

Green party response to Sunak speech

Responding to PM Rishi Sunak’s pride in Tory achievements, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“This Conservative Prime Minister is heading for the exit because he is totally out of...Read More »

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