Green Party

State of Our Rivers Report: Green Party repeats call to take water companies into public ownership

27 February 2024

The Green Party has repeated calls for water companies to be brought into public ownership in response to the latest State of Our Rivers report [1]. This has found not a single waterway in England is in good overall health. The Rivers Trust study reveals that the...Read More »

Green Party reaction to Lee Anderson comments

26 February 2024

 As Lee Anderson doubles down on his controversial comments made over the weekend [1], when he claimed “Islamists” had got “control” over London and that the mayor, Sadiq Khan had “given our capital city away to his mates”, Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay, said:  

“It is deeply concerning...Read More »

Electing more Green MPs into Westminster will help push next government to do the right thing for people and planet

UK Green Party leaders, from R-L: Lorna Slater, Partick Harvie, Malachai O'Hara, Carla Denyer, Anthony Slaughter and Adrian Ramsay

26 February 2024

Green votes at the coming General Election will transform the UK, party leaders from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland declared today. 

Meeting in London, the leaders pointed to how Green votes have already transformed people’s lives, from local councils and Westminster to the Scottish government.  

Although each are an...Read More »

On the second anniversary of Russia’s war on Ukraine

24 February 2024

On the second anniversary of Russia’s war on Ukraine, Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said: 

“This second anniversary is a reminder of the high costs of war and the continuing need to show solidarity with the people of Ukraine, whose land has been invaded and homes...Read More »

Green Party respond to new government brownfield development consultation

13 February 2024

In response to government proposals announced today, where Councils would be required to approve new development on brownfield land even if it fails to meet standards for decent quality homes; be encouraged to repurpose former commercial buildings into flats; and remove restrictions on how big a building can...Read More »

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