Green Party

Greens reject Home Secretary’s ‘dangerous’ comments and call for massive turn out for ceasefire in Gaza

10 November 2023

Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer urged a massive turnout on tomorrow’s pro-ceasefire march, as “the strongest way to send a clear message that people want a ceasefire and have no time for Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s toxic rhetoric.”

Denyer added:

“This is a march to call for a ceasefire –...Read More »

2023 set to become warmest year on record: response from co-leader Carla Denyer

8 November 2023

Reacting to news that 2023 is set to become the warmest year on record following unprecedented October temperatures [1], co-leader of the Green Party, Carla Denyer, said: 

“Another week, another indicator that our climate is in meltdown. News that 2023 will almost certainly be confirmed...Read More »

Co-leader Adrian Ramsay reacts to King's Speech

7 November 2023

Responding to what is likley to be the last King’s Speech from the current Conservative government, co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“This King’s Speech, which must have really stuck in the throat of King Charles, demonstrates a government out of ideas and out of touch. There’s nothing in it...Read More »

Green Party urges Rishi Sunak to focus on environment and climate in King's Speech

2 November 2023

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay has called for next week’s King’s Speech to tackle the climate and nature emergencies. 

Ramsay said: 

“Rishi Sunak has decided when in a climate hole keep digging. Pushing ahead with new oil and gas drilling licences is an act of environmental...Read More »

“Silence is complicity”: Green Party urges UK government and opposition to call for ceasefire in Israel-Gaza conflict

1 November 2023

The co-leaders of the Green Party have written to the UK government and the official opposition urging them to “listen to the people” and join international calls for a ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza conflict.

In a letter to both the Foreign Secretary, James Cleverly [1], and his Labour...Read More »

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