Green Party

Steel jobs cull underscores need for a just move to greening industry 

19 January 2024

The Green Party has called for a green industrial strategy offering a clear road map toward creating sustainable, green jobs following confirmation that Tata is slashing 2,800 jobs at its steelworks in Port Talbot. 

Wales Green Party leader Anthony Slaughter said: 

“This is devastating news...Read More »

Greens challenge Labour on wealth tax

16 January 2024

As shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves arrives at the World Economic Forum in Davos, the Green Party is challenging Labour to commit to a wealth tax.

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“When she attends the World Economic Forum in Davos today, Rachel Reeves will be rubbing shoulders with the super-rich...Read More »

Green Party call on government and Labour to use Davos super-rich summit to back wealth tax

15 January 2024

As the World Economic Forum begins in Davos, the Green Party has repeated calls for a wealth tax.  

To coincide with the Davos summit, Oxfam has released a report raising the alarm on growing global inequality, saying the world’s five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes since...Read More »

Greens call for urgent Parliamentary debate on dangerous escalation

12 January 2024

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay urged Parliament to force an urgent debate on the “dangerous escalation” in the Middle East that has seen the UK attack Yemen. 

Ramsay said: 

“It is important for the international community to work together to defend shipping in the Red Sea...Read More »

Greens call for urgent government peace initiative to end Israel-Gaza war

11 January 2024

The Green Party has urged the government to launch an urgent international peace effort to end the Israel Gaza war. 

Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“The horrific loss of Israeli civilian lives on October 7 has been compounded by months of devastation for the...Read More »

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