Green Party

Reaction to Labour ditching national care service

5 February 2024

Reacting to news that Labour will not seek to legislate on the creation of a new national care service in its first King’s Speech [1], Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“Labour are dropping policy commitments like confetti. Next in line it’s social care, with the Party planning...Read More »

Government has blown pretence of climate leadership with ‘max out’ fossil fuels pledge say Greens

30 January 2024

A report by the Climate Change Committee (CCC) has accused the UK government of giving ‘mixed messages’ at the COP28 climate summit held in Dubai in December [1].

The CCC said: “The international perception of the UK’s climate ambition suffered from mixed messages following announcements on new fossil fuel...Read More »

Green Party reacts to International Court of Justice ruling

26 January 2024

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said the International Court of Justice interim ruling underscored the need for a renewed political initiative to secure an immediate ceasefire, the release of hostages and a long-term peace. 

Ramsay said: 

“The International Court of Justice is right to insist...Read More »

Poverty is a political choice: Carla Denyer reacts to Joseph Rowntree Foundation report 

23 January 2024

Responding to this year’s poverty report from the Joeseph Rowntree Foundation, which says that it is now 20 years and six prime ministers since there was a sustained fall in poverty [1], co-leader of the Green Party, Carla Denyer, said: 

“This latest report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation makes for...Read More »

NHS needs increased funding, not Labour's 'reform and efficiency' savings say Greens

23 January 2024

Responding to comments by the shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting that the NHS needs reform and efficiency savings, not extra money [1], Carla Denyer, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“Labour’s fiscal rules are clearly bad for your health. Blaming the Health Service’s ills on inefficiencies rather than on...Read More »

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