Green Party

Greens call for scaling up actions against Israel, accusing UK government of complicity in killing 

12 February 2024

As Israel appears to be on the brink of an all out assault on Rafah, despite warnings against such action by the UN, Red Crescent and others, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer is demanding the UK scale up actions against the Israeli government until the killing stops. Greens...Read More »

Shahrar Ali case response 

9 February 2024

The Chair of the Green Party executive, Jon Nott, said:  

“We are pleased that the court has recognised that a democratic political party has the right to select those who speak for it on the basis that they can and will communicate and support party...Read More »

Greens respond to new plans to clampdown further on protests

8 February 2024

Responding to the Home Office’s new plans to clampdown further on protests, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said:

“This is another worrying step towards an authoritarian state, which too many in the government seem intent on creating.

“This government is reaching the stage where it views any disagreement with...Read More »

Labour ditch £28 billion green investment plan - a massive backward step for climate and economy

7 February 2024

Reacting to news that Labour is ditching its policy of spending £28bn a year on its green investment plan [1], Carla Denyer, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“This is a massive backward step – for the climate, for the economy and for good quality jobs. Both the security...Read More »

Greens dismiss dental recovery plan and call for full costs of dental treatment to be covered  

7 February 2024

The co-leader of the Green Party, Adrian Ramsay, has dismissed today’s announcement of a ‘dental recovery plan’ by the government saying it will ‘fail to fill the giant hole in NHS dentistry provision.’ Greens are calling for dentists to be paid the full costs of NHS dental...Read More »

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