Green Party

Greens respond to Sunak plans to end 'sick-note culture'

19 April 2024

Responding to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s plans to stop GPs issuing sick notes to people too ill to work, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“How cold hearted do you have to be, and how lacking in empathy, to see this crisis of ill health as anything other than...Read More »

Green Party backs charities calls to restore nature 

15 April 2024

Green Party co-leader, Adrian Ramsay, has announced the Party’s plans for an Independent Commission for Nature that would protect nature and ensure the restoration of wildlife habitats. The new watchdog would be created as part of a new “Rights of Nature” Act that would enshrine in law the...Read More »

Green Party response to the Iranian attack on Israel 

14 April 2024

Following news of the Iranian attack on Israel and the involvement of UK aircraft in Israel’s defence, Green Party co-leader, Carla Denyer, has urged the UK not to be dragged into a Middle East war. She said: 

“The Green Party condemns Iran’s attacks against Israel, which...Read More »

Reaction to Wes Streeting comments on NHS reform and private sector involvement

8 April 2024

Responding to comments by the Shadow Heath Secretary saying that under a Labour government investment in the NHS would be dependent on reform and that there would be an increased role for the private sector [1], co-leader of the Green Party, Carla Denyer, said: 

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Greens call for end to violence in Gaza six months since October 7th attack  

7 April 2024

The Green Party has repeated its call for a full bilateral ceasefire, the release of all hostages, the suspension of arms exports to Israel, and for key players in the Netanyahu government to be held accountable for possible war crimes, six months on from the 7 October...Read More »

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