Green Party

Greens move from fourth to first place in Hastings  

3 May 2024

The Green Party has gone from the fourth largest party on Hastings Borough Council to the largest party. Greens won 9 of 16 seats up for election (56%), up from just 1 seat the last time these were contested (2021). This leaves Greens with 12 councillors (+8),...Read More »

Great night for the Greens with more to come 

3 May 2024

Reflecting on early local election results, Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said: 

“Green councilors are being elected in ever higher numbers across the country and are ready to deliver for their communities. 

“We have won our first councilors on Newcastle Council, and our first councilors on Sefton and Redditch,...Read More »

Greens set for record number of councillors after first breakthroughs 

3 May 2024

Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer responded to the first council elections results: 

“I’m delighted to see the first ever Green Party councillors elected to Newcastle City Council which show that voters are increasingly putting their trust in Greens to deliver a fairer, greener country. 

“In Byker ward in Newcastle,...Read More »

Greens set for record number of councillors as polls close 

2 May 2024

As polls closed across England in the local elections, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“It has been a wonderful experience to be out on the doorstep listening to voters and understanding why their concerns over the cost of living, cuts to local services and...Read More »

Greens pledge to support repeal of new Rwanda deportation law

23 April 2024

Responding to the Rwanda Bill completing its parliamentary stages, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“I don’t want people risking their lives crossing the channel in small boats. But the way to stop that isn’t this punitive, inhumane approach. It’s providing safe and legal routes for people to apply...Read More »

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