Green Party

Greens call for safe and legal routes

10 May 2024

Responding to Labour Leader Keir Starmer’s speech in Dover, Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said: 

“Labour is right to signal it will abandon the government’s inhumane Rwanda deportation plan, but it has failed to offer people seeking asylum the safe and legal routes that would offer...Read More »

Greens call for nature protection in wake of river report

9 May 2024

Reacting to a new report from the Office for Environmental Protection which says: “government will not meet its ambition that most water bodies will be on the road to good condition or else already in that state by 2027,” Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said:  

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Greens call for action on rooftop solar as new temperature records broken

8 May 2024

The Green Party has called for mandatory solar PV panels to be fitted on all appropriate new buildings and for all new homes to be built to Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standards. 

The call comes as analysis (1) finds that the world’s oceans have...Read More »

Greens on track to win parliamentary seats following record local election results 

4 May 2024

  • Green Party wins every council seat available inside their target parliamentary constituency of Bristol Central 

  • With 34 councillors Greens are now by far the largest party on Bristol City Council, and the largest group of Green Party councillors anywhere in the UK ever  

  • Greens have...Read More »

Greens win every council seat in target Bristol Central constituency and cement role as largest party on Council amid “record breaking” election campaign 

In a historic electoral victory, amid a record-breaking local election campaign, the Green Party has this evening not only emerged as the largest party on Bristol City Council, but has also won every available seat in their target parliamentary constituency of Bristol Central.  

Across the city, the Green Party has won...Read More »

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