Green Party welcomes Rossendale councillor from Labour

8 July 2021

  • Sitting Councillor Julie Adshead resigns from Labour and joins the Greens
  • Becomes the first Green Party councillor on Rossendale Borough Council
  • Councillor Adshead said: “My role as a councillor has always been about putting the residents of Whitewell Ward first, and that will not change”

Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Green Party are pleased to announce that Councillor Julie Adshead has joined the party after resigning from the Labour Party.

Councillor Adshead has become the first Green Party representative on Rossendale Borough Council after making the move following her disillusionment with the new direction of the Labour Party, which she considers is at odds with prioritising social and environmental justice. 

Rossendale resident Councillor Adshead recognises the Greens as the party taking real action on the climate emergency and campaigning for a just transition to a fairer society and prosperous economy. While her party colours have changed, her principles have not. Julie transfers to her true political home with this move. 

Councillor Adshead said:

“I am proud to be joining the Green Party to fight for a better deal for our area. During my two years as an elected councillor, I have been disappointed to discover that the Labour Party are not as serious about the climate emergency as they had claimed, particularly given the new leadership.

“I believe that it is vitally important to be true to one’s principles, and so I have made the decision to move to the Green Party as this is where my core values are best represented.

“Recent gains across the country, from Bristol to our neighbours in Burnley, have demonstrated that the Green Party has become a major electoral force and that increasing numbers of people share a commitment to social, economic and environmental justice.  

“My role as a councillor has always been about putting the residents of Whitewell Ward first, and that will not change. I will continue to listen to the views and concerns of local residents and work hard for them as my number one priority.”

Councillor Adshead was elected as a councillor in 2019 and was the Labour Party Champion for Climate Change.

The Green Party now has 450 councillors nationally with representation on 143 councils across England and Wales, including Lancashire colleagues consisting of two Lancashire County Councillors, five Burnley Councillors and 11 as part of the Green-led administration on Lancaster City Council.

Green Party deputy leader Amelia Womack said:

“I’m delighted to welcome Julie to her true political home in the Green Party. This year has seen the Greens make huge gains across the country in the May local elections, including in Lancashire, and Julie’s decision to join us shows we are continuing to gain ground.

“Julie has a strong record working for the residents of Whitewell Ward, and I know she will continue to listen to and act as a champion for the local community, delivering real change for those that need it most.”



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