12 May 2017
*Spoof ad offers another boundary-pushing film from Green Party
The Green Party is using its party election broadcast [1], which will be broadcast for the first time today (12 May), to take a satirical swipe at the broken nature of British politics.
The film uses humour to highlight the fact that politicians don’t tell the truth, votes don’t count and young people aren’t listened to. ‘The Race to Number 10’ is a spoof advertisement for an imagined board game, rewarding cuts to public spending, lies on battle buses and reshuffles to get rid of Cabinet dissenters.
The film was the work of the independent creative company Creature of London, whose award-winning [2] film for the Greens for last year’s local elections, ‘The not so secret life of five-year-old politicians’, was the most shared broadcast of all the political parties, receiving millions of views online [3].
Green Party head of communications said: “This is the party election broadcast that’s worth watching. Creature have again proved that politics doesn’t have to be dull, bringing biting satire to the broken state of British politics and helping the Green Party to make its powerful, and serious, case for changing the game.”
Stu Outhwaite, Chief Creative Officer of Creature said: “You’d have to have been a raging sadist to be excited when the election was called. Well, either that or the creative agency that gets to make the Green Party’s broadcast. The process (all two weeks of it) was a dream: we hope the finished spot might prove to be a bit of a nightmare for the other parties. Let’s change the game.”
This was Creature’s fourth film for the Green Party. ‘Change the Tune’, a boy band spoof, also went viral [4].
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPXtN1QW9uY&feature=youtu.be
- http://smugglersite.com/4656/campaign-big-awards-brings-big-wins-for-smuggler-directors/
- https://www.greenparty.org.uk/news/2016/04/15/the-greens-partys-%E2%80%98the-not-so-secret-life-of-5-year-old-politicians%E2%80%99-takes-the-internet-by-storm/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPgS7p40ERg
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