Green Party urges UK government to support Afghan refugees as Taliban enter Kabul


15 August 2021

The Green Party has urged the UK government to do all it can to support Afghan refugees fleeing the Taliban advance and to urge the international community, including at the UN Security Council, to hold the Taliban to standards of international and humanitarian law as a condition of future cooperation.

Carne Ross, Green Party global solidarity spokesperson, said:

“The Taliban’s advance in Afghanistan is nothing short of a tragedy. Millions of people are now left with the prospect of fleeing their homes to avoid violence and persecution. The international community has a responsibility to do all it can to offer these people refuge and protection.

“After 20 years of being in Afghanistan, the UK has a major and continuing responsibility to support the Afghan people. It is clear that by leaving without a peace deal being agreed, we have broken the promises we made to Afghan citizens, offering them a brighter future based on human rights and the rule of law. 

“Through its shameful cut in aid to the country at the same time as withdrawing military support [1], the UK government has reneged on the promises it made to Afghans to stay and help build a safe and functioning country.

“At some point, a period of reflection will be required in the West about how 20 years of an international presence in Afghanistan has resulted in this disaster. But for now, the priority has to be ensuring we offer protection to those who need it most.

“We have a duty to those who worked with UK forces in Afghanistan and we’ve got a duty to help support refugees and the countries on the border with Afghanistan.

“At the same time, the international community must now make it clear that the Taliban will be held responsible for any war crimes or human rights abuses committed in the current violence, and will be held to international standards to protect human rights if they’re going to have constructive relations with the rest of the world.”



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