Green Party: Universal credit an assault on Britain’s most vulnerable

2 October 2017

The Green Party has criticised the Government’s decision to press ahead with the roll out of Universal Credit, which it branded an “ill-conceived, counter-productive assault on Britain’s most vulnerable”.

Responding to the announcement by David Gauke [1], Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, urged the Government to reconsider – and investigate a pilot of a Universal Basic Income instead.

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“Universal Credit is an ill-conceived, counter-productive assault on Britain’s most vulnerable. The Work and Pensions secretary may think it’s working, but the reality is different for the families left without food because of lost benefits and delayed payments.

“In pressing ahead with the scheme the Government has shown a complete disregard for the pain it is inflicting, and I urge it to reconsider the roll out. Instead it should pilot a Universal Basic Income, which would truly eliminate the poverty trap.”



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