Green Party says European Court of Justice ruling ‘lights way out of Brexit chaos’
10 December 2018
The Green Party of England and Wales and Scottish Green Party welcome the news this morning that the European Court of Justice ruling has confirmed the UK can unilaterally revoke Article 50.
Ross Greer, Green Member of Scottish Parliament and one of the pursuers of the action to the ECJ said:
“This is a huge victory for the UK, achieved despite the Conservative government’s attempts to prevent it and limit their own options. We now have legal certainty that the UK is free to change its mind and stop the process of leaving the EU. We can stay in and enjoy not just the significant benefits of membership but the unique benefits of the UK’s advantageous membership and all of the opt-outs which come with it.
“That is a choice for us alone to make and does not require the approval of any other EU state and it is a choice the people should be free to make via a referendum. It is clear that we don’t have to choose between becoming poorer with May’s deal or much poorer very quickly with No-Deal, there is another way. It’s time to let the public take back control of the Brexit process.”
Molly Scott-Cato, Green Party of England and Wales Brexit spokesperson said:
“The ECJ ruling has lit up the path out of the Brexit calamity. MPs should vote down the withdrawal agreement tomorrow and then support a People’s Vote. If the country support continuing EU membership the court has told us we can revoke Art 50 and keep our existing terms. The threat to this strategy comes from Labour whose posturing around mythical renegotiation and a general election would waste the time we need to organise the referendum.”