Green Party response to resignations of Sunak and Javid

5 July 2022

Responding to the resignations of chancellor Rishi Sunak and Health secretary Sajid Javid, co-leader of the Green Party of England and Wales Carla Denyer said:

“Cabinet Ministers Sunak and Javid have taken far too long to find their backbone, but their eventual resignations must now signal the end of this shameful episode in UK politics.

“With the Cabinet in revolt, it is essential that Boris Johnson resigns immediately. But that is not enough. He is a bad apple, but the whole tree is rotten. This is a government mired in sleaze, scandal and law breaking which has undermined public trust and confidence.

“We need a general election to give the people a chance to give their verdict on this corrupt and spent government, which is not competent to address the critical issues facing this country.”

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