29 March 2017
The Green Party has responded to the prime minister’s statement in Parliament, following the delivery of the letter triggering Article 50 to Donald Tusk, president of the European Council.
Molly Scott Cato, MEP for the South West and Green Party EU spokesperson, said:
“Theresa May’s talk of a fairer society stands in stark contrast to her actions. Charging ahead with an extreme Brexit while dragging the rest of the UK with her is no way to ensure an equal Britain that has a productive relationship with its European neighbours.
“May’s blustery optimism about her ambitions for the UK after Brexit cannot mask the incredible challenges we face. She failed to even mention the environment or climate change, despite it being the largest shared threat we face.
“The statement repeatedly referenced the potential benefits for our children and grandchildren but the next generation has the most to lose as we hurtle towards an unknown future outside the EU. The Green Party will keep standing up for the environment and freedom of movement, and fighting to stop the UK being turned into a tax haven.”
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