Green Party responds to new Climate Change Committee risk report

16 June 2021

Green Party co-leader Jonathan Bartley has responded to the new risk evaluation report from the Climate Change Committee.

The report warns that the UK is less prepared now than it was five years ago for the escalating effects of the climate crisis on people and wildlife. [1]

Bartley said:

“The CCC’s worrying risk assessment reminds us that we can’t pretend we’re somehow insulated from climate change here in the UK, or that the impacts are far off in the future – the risks are ramping up right here, right now.

“Even more worrying is the fact that the Government just doesn’t get it. It’s clear that we need to go much further to decarbonise our economy much faster, but the Government is scrapping the green homes scheme, spending billions on new roads, and continuing to subsidise the fossil fuel industry.

“Our response to Covid shows that Governments can respond to a threat like climate change – we can invest, we can intervene, we can protect people – but it requires the political will. As we recover from the Covid crisis, we must tackle the imminent threat of the climate crisis.”



Independent Assessment of UK Climate Risk

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