Green Party responds to inflation figures

15 August 2017

The Green Party has responded to the latest inflation figures [1], which reveal inflation has held steady at 2.6 per cent in July. However the retail price index has climbed to 3.6 per cent, meaning rail fares will rise by 3.6 per cent in January 2018 – the highest increase in fares in five years [2].

Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, said:

“This Government is caught like a rabbit in the economic headlights, paralysed and without a credible plan about what to do. The latest inflation figures will be little comfort to those who are struggling to feed their families and pay their rent. The cost of living is rising while wages are stagnating and the threat of Brexit continues to hang over the country’s head.

“Meanwhile all the Government appears to want to do is push ahead with its scattergun approach.  Its blind allegiance to credit fuelled and largely illusory growth will do little to raise living standards and a lot to exacerbate the very problems it should be addressing.

“The Green Party is the only party talking about making the right choices and bringing about the shift in power and sustainable, transitioned economy we urgently need. Workers and small business should be empowered and we must embrace bold new ideas like a universal basic income, which would provide security and opportunity, and a shorter working week, to redress the imbalance in our economy.”



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