Green Party responds to “damning” report on Grenfell

6 November 2017

The Green Party has called for Kenginston and Chelsea Council to be put into special measures after the Secretary of State for Local Government Sajid Javid gave what they describe as a “damning” update on the Grenfell recovery [1].

In his statement today, Mr Javid admitted that survivors of Grenfell have “been failed” by a “sluggish and chaotic response” to the disaster. He confirmed that just 26 households have moved into permanent accommodation – 131 are still in emergency housing.

Jennifer Nadel, Green Party candidate for Kensington, has been working with survivors. She said:

“The government’s own assessment of the Grenfell recovery is damning both to the council and to itself. That they have allowed these delays and the anguish of survivors to continue is inexcusable. With 131 severely traumatised households still in emergency accommodation – often cramped and inadequate hotel rooms – decisive action is needed. The council must be put into special measures.

“Mr Javid’s report calls for more speed, innovation, and training. But nothing will change unless the attitude of those in charge shifts fundamentally – as Sajid Javid himself admits – from one of disdain to one of compassion. The council here have shown that is beyond them and that is why I believe it must 



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