27 May 2017
The Green Party has responded to Jeremy Corbyn’s speech on foreign policy and terrorism. The Greens praised Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘tough on terrorism, tough on the causes of terrorism approach’ but noted only 11 Labour MPs voted against the military intervention in Libya which went on to be harshly criticised by the Foreign Affairs Committee.
Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, said:
“The responsibility for terror attacks like that in Manchester lies solely with those who perpetrate these heinous crimes, but it is important to look at the wider picture too. The Labour leader is right to point to failed Western intervention as a cause of instability. Indeed when you look at the Libyan Intervention you see failure at almost every level. If we’re going to beat terrorism we need both adequate security measures at home and a look at how Britain’s role in world affairs can have serious unintended consequences which lead to greater insecurity. Greens are united in our belief in a foreign policy built on diplomacy and peacebuilding and when you vote Green on June 8th you know that you’ll be voting for someone who will seriously scrutinise the march to war of any Government.”
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