2 September 2017
Responding to the news that Green Party life-member and activist Tina Rothery was arrested for protesting at the fracking site at Preston New Road today, Deputy Leader of the party Amelia Womack said:
“I offer my full support and total admiration to Tina. She is an inspiration and has proved time and again that to live in a free society we must be constantly challenging the decisions of those in power. She has put herself on the line to stop dirty and destructive fracking and with supporters and her political party behind her that effort will not be in vain.”
Tina Rothery was awarded a life-membership of the Green Party for her activism. She is a member of the “Anti-Fracking Nanas” and is the former candidate for Tatton. She was arrested this afternoon on Preston New Road, Lancashire, as she protested against Cuadrilla’s fracking of the site. She will appear in court on 10 October 2017.
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