Green Party respond to potential Syria airstrikes


12 April 2018

The Green Party has responded to reports of Britain planning to join the USA in bombing targets in Syria. 


Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas, co-leader of the Green Party, said:


“The horror of the chemical weapons attack in Douma, in Eastern Ghouta, at the weekend was truly sickening. The UK’s response must have the backing of parliament, debated and voted on by MPs free from party whips so they can decide on the evidence and with their conscience.


“The Green Party will always listen to all the evidence, and we are not persuaded that an attack would deter conflict. To the contrary, we believe there is a serious risk of further escalation which will only bring greater conflict and suffering to the people of the region. To bomb Assad without a serious, thought-out strategy risks making a horrific situation even worse, and this will be the key test of any British Government proposal.


“But tough action doesn’t have to mean military intervention and Britain should urgently explore every alternative to further bombing. This should start with a crack-down on Russia, including unilateral and international sanctions. Britain must also step up as a diplomatic leader and strain every sinew to get all relevant parties around the table for discussions to broker peace.


“In the longer term, and in recognition of the appalling failures of recent years in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere, we must enhance and expand UN peacekeeping and peace-building capabilities. Britain must too urgently take more refugees from the region to join those already settled here.”

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