31 January 2017
* Jonathan Bartley, co-leader: May’s inaction a betrayal of Britain and appeasement of a racist, bigoted President
The leaders of the Green Party have written to Theresa May [1] to ask her if knew about President Trump’s Muslim ban before it was announced.
The call follows reports that the Prime Minister was told about the ban during her visit to the United States. [2]
The letter from Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas states that, with more than 1.5 million people signing a petition [3] to cancel Trump’s state visit because of the ban, the public have the right to know how much May was told about the policy in advance.
Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, said:
“News that the Prime Minister already knew about President Trump’s Muslim ban is deeply disturbing and will send a chill down the spine of all who believe in a just and compassionate world.
“This week more than 1.5 million British people made it clear they want to live in a country that shows leadership and has a clear resolve to create a world where refugees are welcomed and supported. Donald Trump’s action stands in complete opposition to this.
“Theresa May must answer questions on how much she knew and what she did to challenge such a vile policy.
“If the Prime Minister knew about the Muslim ban in advance, and failed to challenge it, it would be not just a betrayal of the open, tolerant and welcoming country that Britain should be, but amount to appeasement of a racist, bigoted President.”
- Dear Prime Minister,
We are concerned by reports you were told about President Trump’s plans to ban the residents of seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States in advance of the policy announcement.
With more than 1.5 million people signing a petition calling on you to cancel the state visit invitation extended to the US President, it’s clear that there is a huge public anger. The country has a right to know how much you were told about the ban, and what you said to the President about it.
Were you told about the ban at the meeting with President Trump?
If so, what exactly were you told, and when.
And crucially, what did you say in response?
Yesterday we also learnt that the President may be intending to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement – an announcement which came just days after you left the US. Such a move would be a bitter blow to Britain’s stated intent to work with other countries to tackle climate change, possibly the greatest threat that our country faces.
Did you talk to the President about climate change?
What did you say, and what was his response?
If you did not raise climate change with him, then why?
The British people deserve to be told the truth. We trust you will answer these pertinent questions as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader
Caroline Lucas, Green Party co-leader
- https://www.channel4.com/news/by/gary-gibbon/blogs/theresa-may-told-a-us-refugee-ban-was-coming
- https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/171928
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