Green Party: Government oceans pledge a victory for campaigners

25 September 2018

The Green Party has welcomed news the Environment Secretary has called for 30% of the world’s oceans to be protected by 2030 [1], and praised campaigners who have been pressing the Government to take action to safeguard seas.

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, called on Michael Gove to create marine conservation zones to protect marine life in British seas as a next step.

Bartley said:

“This is a victory for campaigners. It’s good to see the Government willing to take a lead in looking after the world’s oceans. The plastic crisis, climate change and over-fishing are putting our oceans in jeopardy and we need strong protections like this if we are to stand any chance of safeguarding them for the future. The Environment Secretary has shown he is willing to listen to scientists and activists, and now he must create marine conservation zones to protect marine life in British seas.” 



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