Green Party applauds students receiving their A level results


17 August 2023

Responding to today’s A Level results, Vix Lowthion, Green Party Lifelong Education spokesperson, said: 

“All students collecting their results today should be applauded for their unique achievements – this Class of 2023 never sat their formal GCSE exams, and so congratulations are in order for all staff and students who have worked hard to get their grades.

“Yet the disadvantage gap at A Level remains too wide, with poorer pupils continuing to lag behind the most privileged. At current rates of progress this gap will never close. Class sizes in state schools in England are the highest since records began – and this Conservative government has no policies, plans or funding proposals to address this.

“In addition to the challenges in schools, students who are planning to take the next steps and go to university face the significant costs of tuition fees and also possible continued disruption due to industrial action as a consequence of the refusal of some universities to negotiate a resolution with lecturers. 

“Young people achieving today are owed a lot more support throughout their future than they have been granted by this government in the last 13 years. 

“The Green Party remains committed to abolishing tuition fees for university students, and to properly funding education at school, vocational and university levels. It is only through investing in our young people that we can ensure they have all the opportunities that they deserve.”


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