20 October 2017
The Green Party has responded to news that dirty air kills nine million people a year globally [1], warning that with a death toll higher than AIDs, TB and malaria combined [2] air pollution is one of the most urgent global crises of our times.
Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, said:
“Air pollution is fast becoming one of the most urgent global crises of our times. The toll is three times higher than deaths from AIDS, TB and Malaria combined. If we do not take drastic action now millions more will die prematurely.
“Britain is falling woefully behind other countries when it comes to cleaning up our air, with the Government’s plans to tackle the crisis so bad they have been found illegal. This is shameful. We must learn from cities like Paris taking bold measures to cut pollution.
“The Government must publish a new Clean Air Act fit for the 21st century, and urgently move toward making our city centres zero emission. It is also imperative we work with our global neighbours to protect the world’s most vulnerable citizens, who we know will be worst affected by this public health emergency.”
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-41678533
- http://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2017/10/19/558821792/report-pollution-kills-3-times-more-than-aids-tb-and-malaria-combined
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