25 May 2020
Green Party MP Caroline Lucas has written to the Prime Minister this afternoon calling for the dismissal of Dominic Cummings.
The MP for Brighton Pavilion wrote:
Dear PM,
I am writing to urge you to sack your special adviser, Dominic Cummings, with immediate effect.
My constituents are deeply and rightly concerned by the lack of consistency between the responsibility they have tried to show in complying with the Government’s clear instructions on social distancing and Mr Cummings reported actions. Whilst I acknowledge that each and every one of us have had to make difficult, often heart breaking, decisions in the last couple of months since lockdown, a situation in which there’s perceived to be different rules for a select, privileged few is untenable, and ultimately dangerous.
Your refusal so far to hold Mr Cummings to account for breaching the guidelines designed to keep us all safe is undermining your Government’s public health strategy. The price of your insistent denial and persistent defence of his wrong doing is public trust – and that will have worrying short and long term consequences for our NHS, public safety and economy.
Mr Cummings actions are indefensible, illegal and reckless. Your Government’s response shows utter contempt for so many people who have made sacrifices through this crisis and continue to do so. I therefore call on you to act decisively and to end this trial by media and public opinion, which has seen a young boy in particular brought into the spotlight through no fault of his own, and sack your special adviser, making clear that the rules apply to everyone and that none of your team are entitled to break them.
If this pandemic has taught us anything it’s that our country has a huge capacity for compassion and kindness. This scandal is also a reminder of how much we value justice and fairness. It’s high time for you to do what’s right and take responsibility for Dominic Cummings poor judgement thus far, and insist he does the same.
I look forward to your prompt response, which I will share with my constituents.
Yours sincerely,
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