Green I&T Day promotes solutions for energy conservation and renewable energy (with photo)

     The Environment Bureau, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) and the Guangdong Provincial Association for Science and Technology held the second Green I&T Day today (October 21). This is the first green innovation and technology (I&T) event organised by the Government after the promulgation of Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2050. It aims to provide a platform for experts, academia and the trade to exchange I&T solutions towards achieving carbon neutrality.
     The physical event was held simultaneously in Hong Kong and Dongguan, with live broadcasting online. Experts exchanged views on the themes of "green transformation" and "low-carbon city" in transforming towards increasing decarbonisation. The physical event attracted about 200 participants from sectors that included I&T, the electrical and mechanical trade, universities and public organisations. Over 100,000 views were recorded for the live broadcast.
     Speaking at the event, the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, said that the recently announced Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2050 outlined the long-term strategies and relevant measures for achieving carbon neutrality before 2050. He hoped that the event could capitalise on the I&T capability of the Mainland and Hong Kong, with a view to striving towards carbon neutrality as well as accelerating the adoption of I&T solutions developed by universities and start-ups. This could strengthen co-operation in taking forward ecological conservation of the Greater Bay Area, resulting in an all-win situation.
     The Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, Mr Eric Pang, said that the EMSD, being the Government's "innovation facilitator", works closely with various government departments in planning and co-ordinating technological needs. The EMSD will continue to deepen its technological collaboration with the Mainland to facilitate development in green I&T to work towards realising carbon neutrality before 2050.
