Grants approved from the Disaster Relief Fund in 2018-19


     The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region released $65.58 million from the Disaster Relief Fund in the year 2018-19 to support relief organisations in providing emergency relief to the victims of disasters occurring outside Hong Kong.

     Grants amounting to $65.58 million were disbursed for 21 programmes carried out by nine relief organisations, providing relief to earthquake, tsunami, typhoon and flood victims in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, the Philippines, the Mainland of China, Kenya and India. The number of beneficiaries was estimated to be around 430 000. The nine relief organisations concerned were World Vision Hong Kong; Amity Foundation, Hong Kong; Adventist Development and Relief Agency, China; Oxfam Hong Kong; Plan International Hong Kong; Save the Children Hong Kong; CEDAR Fund; Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Red Cross.

     To cater for the different needs of the victims, a wide range of relief supplies had been distributed through the relief programmes, including food, quilts, hygiene and household items (such as water filters, mobile toilets, mosquito nets, kitchen utensils and portable solar powered lights) and temporary shelter materials and tools (such as tarpaulins, ropes and floor mats) as well as education kits and emergency classroom kits (such as books and stationeries). From the feedback gathered by the relief organisations, the victims were very grateful for the timely assistance provided by the Disaster Relief Fund. 

     Relief organisations receiving grants from the Disaster Relief Fund are required to submit evaluation reports and audited accounts on the use of the grants to the Government after the completion of the relief programmes.    

     The Disaster Relief Fund, administered by the Administration Wing under the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office, provides an effective channel for the Government to respond swiftly to appeals for humanitarian aid in relief of disasters that occur outside Hong Kong. The annual report on the activities of the Fund for the year 2018-19, photos of the relief programmes and feedback from the victims have been uploaded onto the website of the Administration Wing at

     The Disaster Relief Fund is replenished by the Government at the start of each financial year and, as necessary, during the financial year, depending on calls for relief and the size of the Fund balance and commitments.

     The Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee is responsible for advising the Government on the policy and practices regarding the disbursement of funds for disaster relief, specific amounts of grants made to the applicants as well as monitoring the use of grants.  

     The Committee is chaired by the Chief Secretary for Administration. Members include Mr Ip Kwok-him, Dr Lam Ching-choi, Dr Helena Wong Pik-wan, Mr Kenneth Lau Ip-keung, Dr Tik Chi-yuen, Mrs Ann Kung Yeung Yun-chi, the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury and the Secretary for Labour and Welfare.

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