Grants approved for flood victims in Bihar, India

     The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has accepted the advice of the Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee and approved from the Disaster Relief Fund two grants totalling $9.607 million to two agencies for providing relief to flood victims in Bihar, India.
     Announcing the grants today (November 28), a spokesman for the Government said that the flood had affected more than 2 million people in Bihar, India. The two grants – one of $5.108 million to Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong and one of $4.499 to Plan International Hong Kong – will be used to provide shelter kits, water kits and kitchen kits as well as household and hygiene items to benefit around 58 560 flood victims. As the targeted localities of the two relief agencies are different, there will be no overlapping of resources. The Committee hoped the grants would facilitate the provision of timely relief to the victims and help them restore their normal living. The grants, together with the one approved earlier for this flood in Bihar, India, will take the accumulative value of grants and number of beneficiaries to $14.888 million and 123 560 respectively.
     "To ensure that the money is used for the designated purposes, the relief agencies will be asked to submit evaluation reports and audited accounts on the use of the grants after the relief projects have been completed," the spokesman said.