Gradual resumption of public services in smooth and orderly manner (with photos)

     Government bureaux/departments gradually resumed more public services today (March 2) in a smooth and orderly manner. Secretaries of Department and Directors of Bureau visited the departments under their respective purviews to learn more about the implementation of the targeted measures to reduce social contact and measures for infection control to protect the health of their staff and members of the public.
     Secretaries of Department and Directors of Bureau learned during their visits that departments have implemented effective measures to reduce social contact, for instance, by introducing flexible working hours to reduce staff using public transport during peak hours, and adopting a roster system to reduce the number of staff working in an office at any one time. Colleagues are also arranged to have staggered lunch hours.
     The Government has, with regard to the situation on the ground, implemented various infection control measures at government buildings and offices to reduce the risk of infection and the spread of the virus. These measures include enhancing the cleansing of public facilities, such as lifts and escalators, checking the body temperature of persons entering government buildings and offices, providing alcohol hand sanitiser and sanitising mats, etc.
     In addition, bureaux/departments also restrict the number of visitors at any one time by making use of measures such as scheduled appointments, drop boxes, quota system, etc.
     The Government will stay vigilant as fighting the epidemic remains our top priority. Bureaux/departments will continue to implement targeted measures to reduce social contacts and measures for infection control, and gradually resume more public services to meet public expectations.

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