Government welcomes SDC’s report on long-term decarbonisation strategy

     The Environment Bureau has thanked the Council for Sustainable Development (SDC) for submitting today (November 13) the report and recommendations the SDC drew up based on the findings of a public engagement that it conducted on Hong Kong's long-term decarbonisation strategy.

     "I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the Chairman of the SDC, Professor Arthur Li; its Strategy Sub-committee Chairman, Professor Jonathan Wong; and all Sub-committee and Support Group members for their hard work," the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, said.

     "The report is very informative and comprehensive. The Government will consider the recommendations carefully, and will give a more detailed response later," Mr Wong added.

     The SDC has set out a long-term vision and six overarching objectives to guide the development of a long-term decarbonisation strategy for Hong Kong. A total of 55 recommendations were made in eight key areas. For details, please refer to the SDC report published on the public engagement website at