Government welcomes HKQAA’s Green Finance Certification Scheme – ESG Fund


     The Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) today (May 14) announced the launch of its Green Finance Certification Scheme – ESG Fund to provide third-party conformity assessments on the environmental, social and governance (ESG) fund and further promote ESG initiatives with a view to directing capital flows towards green and sustainable uses.
     The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Christopher Hui, said, "We welcome the HKQAA's launch of its Green Finance Certification Scheme – ESG Fund. Building on the success of the certification scheme for green debt instruments and the green fund introduced in 2018 and 2019 respectively, the extension to the ESG fund will promote more disclosure and strengthen market confidence in green financial products as we continue to develop and consolidate Hong Kong as the leading hub for green finance in the region.
     "We are pleased to note the increasing market awareness of ESG efforts in Hong Kong. The Government will continue to support the certification scheme and encourage more local, Mainland and overseas entities to make use of the scheme and Hong Kong's capital markets for ESG investments and financing."

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