Government tightens boarding and quarantine requirements for places with Omicron cases detected


      The Government announced today (November 30) that in view of the latest global developments of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, Japan, Portugal and Sweden will be specified as Group A specified places from 0.00am on December 3 to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for relevant inbound travellers.

      The Government announced on November 29 that as a preventive measure, the Government would specify places which have detected imported Omicron cases as Group A specified places. Noting that the detection of imported Omicron cases was confirmed in Japan, Portugal and Sweden, the Government will specify these places as Group A specified places from 0.00am on December 3. Non-Hong Kong residents who have stayed there within 21 days are not allowed to enter Hong Kong. Hong Kong residents can only board a flight for Hong Kong if they have been fully vaccinated and hold a recognised vaccination record. They have to undergo compulsory quarantine in a designated quarantine hotel (DQH) for 21 days upon return to Hong Kong, with six tests to be conducted during quarantine, followed by compulsory testing in a community testing centre on the 26th day of arrival at Hong Kong.

      Additionally, the Government announced earlier that, to maintain our vigilance, inbound travellers from Angola, Botswana, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe, which had been specified as Group A specified places, are subject to more stringent quarantine and testing requirements (i.e. Group A places with enhanced surveillance). Hong Kong residents arriving from these Group A places with enhanced surveillance are required to undergo compulsory quarantine at the Penny's Bay Quarantine Centre for the first seven days, and would then be transferred by designated transport to finish the remaining 14 days of compulsory quarantine at the DQH which they have reserved before coming to Hong Kong.
In order to facilitate the stringent quarantine arrangement above, from 0.00am on December 1, the documentary requirements for inbound travellers from Group A places with enhanced surveillance to board a flight for Hong Kong will be updated as follows:
(a) recognised vaccination record;
(b) negative result proof of a polymerase chain reaction-based nucleic acid (PCR) test for COVID-19 with specimen collected within 72 hours before the scheduled time of departure of the aircraft; and
(c) confirmation of room reservation at a DQH for no less than 14 nights starting from the 8th day of arrival at Hong Kong.
      Details on the relevant boarding and compulsory quarantine requirements for respective specified places can be found at
      The Government will gazette the relevant updated specifications under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Regulation of Cross-boundary Conveyances and Travellers) Regulation (Cap. 599H) to effect the above measures.

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