The Government announced today (August 4) that in light of the latest development of the pandemic on the Mainland, Hong Kong residents returning to Hong Kong from Mainland areas other than Guangdong Province will not be exempted from quarantine under the Return2hk Scheme from August 5. This anti-pandemic measure follows on from the inclusion of Macao on the List of At-risk Places Temporarily Inapplicable under the Return2hk Scheme, which took effect today.
According to the arrangement concerned, persons who have stayed in Mainland areas other than Guangdong Province on the day of arrival in Hong Kong or during the 14 days before that day will not be exempted from quarantine. They will instead be subject to 14-day compulsory quarantine at home, and have to undergo compulsory testing on the third, seventh and 12th days of arrival in Hong Kong during quarantine, as well as on the 16th and 19th days of arrival in Hong Kong after the completion of quarantine. The arrangements of shortening the quarantine period to seven days for fully vaccinated persons will also not be applicable.
"The arrangement above will take effect at 00:00am, August 5. Persons who have applied for quotas to return to Hong Kong under the Return2hk Scheme beforehand will not be exempted from quarantine. The Government will send SMS notifications to the affected persons who have already applied for quotas under the Return2hk Scheme to inform them of the latest arrangement," said the Government spokesperson.
The Hong Kong SAR Government will continue to maintain close communication and liaison with the Mainland and Macao authorities on pandemic prevention and control measures of the three places.
Details of the Return2hk Scheme are available at the "COVID-19 Thematic Website" ( or 回港易.政府.香港).
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