Government response: Kent aggregate dredging application


A public consultation on additional information to support an application by Dover Harbour Board (DHB) for aggregate dredging activity off the Kent coast closed on 28 September 2017.

The MMO recognises there is a high level of public interest in this application, particularly relating to proposed extraction of aggregate from the Goodwin Sands.

The MMO is currently in the process of gathering and considering the representations received as part of the consultation process.

The MMO will also work with DHB to consider issues raised before making a determination.

Stakeholders who responded directly to the MMO about the consultation will be sent an acknowledgement. These people will also be notified directly once the MMO has considered the representations received and reached a decision.

Although the MMO aims to determine licence applications within 13 weeks, in some cases, such as where an application is for a complex activity and/or significant representations have been made, the process may take longer as it is important to take into account all relevant representations.

The MMO is required to base its decisions on the best available scientific evidence. We are committed to being a transparent regulator and will publish documents and evidence relating to the case via the public register on our website, case reference MLA/2016/00227. This does not include details of any other permissions developers may also need to carry out work in the marine area, such as agreements with the owner of the seabed.

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