Government reminds public to stay alert of tomorrow’s traffic condition

     As traffic and road conditions in various districts may be affected tomorrow (October 8), a Government spokesman reminded members of the public to pay attention to traffic news and relevant announcements before leaving home, and called on employers and schools to adopt a flexible approach in dealing with individual lateness or absence due to traffic problems.

     "Employers should make flexible work arrangements for staff having regard to their situations. This will help maintain good labour-management relations and ensure the safety of employees and the smooth operations of establishments," the spokesman said.

     "The Government will similarly handle government employees in such situations with understanding. For staff who are unable to report to work on time because of traffic problems, they should inform their immediate supervisors as soon as possible and their departments will handle the cases flexibly."

     The Education Bureau has also reminded schools to adopt a flexible approach in dealing with individual lateness or absence due to traffic problems, and to take proper care of students who have arrived at school, maintain communication with parents, and allow students to return home after school only under safe conditions.

     "All public medical services will continue to be in operation. The Department of Health will issue notice separately around 9am tomorrow if any of its services have to be suspended. As regards public out-patient services, some patients may not be able to attend their scheduled consultation due to possible traffic disruptions at various districts. They can call the clinics to reschedule the appointments later and there is no need to worry and rush for the consultation appointments. In addition, all public hospital accident and emergency services will continue to provide emergency medical treatments for those in need," the spokesman said.

     On traffic situation, as a number of damaged stations of MTR have yet to be fully repaired for operation and public transport may be affected by the possible changes in road conditions including bus services, the Transport Department (TD) will announce the latest public transport situation around 6am tomorrow after coordinating with public transport operators. Members of the public are advised to stay alert to the latest traffic news before leaving home and allow more time for travel. Details will be available on TD's website and "HKeMobility" mobile application.