Government releases final report of Expert Adviser Team on Shatin to Central Link Project


     The Expert Adviser Team on the Shatin to Central Link (SCL) Project has submitted the final report to the Transport and Housing Bureau (THB). It was uploaded to the THB website today (February 1) (
     The Expect Adviser Team was established in August 2018 to provide expert advice on the construction of the SCL Project, conduct an overall review of the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL)'s project management system, and recommend additional management and monitoring measures to be undertaken by the MTRCL and government departments in taking forward the SCL Project. In the past two years, the Highways Department, relevant government departments and the MTRCL have been in close communication with the Team, and rendered full co-operation and support to their work.

     The Expert Adviser Team has put forward in the final report 42 recommendations for the continuous improvement of railway project management. The Government agreed to the recommendations and is progressively implementing those related to the SCL Project. For recommendations related to the MTRCL's project management system, the Government's monitoring measures and future railway projects, the Government will follow up with the MTRCL for implementation in future railway projects. The THB will continue to monitor the implementation of the EA Team's recommendations and review their effectiveness.
     The Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan, expressed his sincere gratitude to members of the Expert Adviser Team, namely Dr Lau Ching-kwong, Mr Hui Siu-wai and Mr Wong Hok-ning, for their sterling work and valuable advice on the SCL Project in the past two years, as well as their contribution in compiling the final report as a detailed record.

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