Government must not hide behind talk of a wealthy older generation whilst inequality remains – Abrahams

Debbie Abrahams
MP, Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary
, commenting on the findings of the
Intergenerational Commission report, said: 

“We welcome the
news that pensioners are now much less likely to be in poverty, continuing the
trend put in place by the last Labour Government which saw a huge decline in
poverty among older people.

this report recognises the ‘high level of inequality’ among pensioners. We
cannot allow this Government to hide behind talk of a wealthy older generation,
while these inequalities remain.

“Unlike the
divisive Tories, we will not trade one generation off against the others by
claiming that an improved social security settlement for older people must come
at the expense of working families.

“That’s why
Labour has committed to extending the triple lock and protecting social
security for older people until 2025, and reversing cuts to Universal Credit
Work Allowances supporting people in low paid work.”