Government must be realistic about the need for transitional arrangements for Brexit – Corbyn

Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, commenting on the European Council’s draft
negotiating guidelines, said:

welcome that Donald Tusk has softened the EU’s opposition to talks on trade
taking place before the terms of withdrawal are agreed.

sides must be realistic about the scale of the task ahead and the common need
to avoid ending up without agreement. Securing a good deal for Britain’s future
must be the Government’s priority and we must be realistic about the need for
transitional arrangements.

European Council President has reiterated the need for a ‘close
partnership’ in the future and it is essential to achieve that. But the Prime
Minister’s comments about trading off security cooperation and failing to
guarantee the rights of EU citizens are not a good start.

unhelpful for either side to speculate over the scale of any payments.
There are obligations on both sides, which must be fairly settled.

is clear that we must fight for a deal which prioritises jobs, the economy and
workers’ rights. And the Government must guarantee that dumping of regulations
covering environmental protections, social and employment rights will not
happen. People didn’t vote to live in a low wage tax haven which undercuts our
neighbours on standards and protections.”
