Government increases annual quota of Quality Migrant Admission Scheme

     The Government announced today (November 26) that the annual quota of the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS) has been increased from 1 000 to 2 000.
     A Government spokeperson said, "Since June 2006, the QMAS has been an important channel for Hong Kong to attract highly skilled or talented persons globally to settle in the city, thereby enhancing our international competitiveness. The Government has decided to increase the annual quota of the QMAS to 2 000 with a view to enlarging Hong Kong's talent pool and strengthening our role as Asia's World City."
     The annual quota of the QMAS has remained unchanged since the launch of the admission scheme. Following the release of the first Talent List in August 2018, applications under the QMAS have increased significantly. The quota allotted under the QMAS increased from 411 in 2017 to 874 in 2019. 
      The Government will continue to launch various measures to attract highly skilled or talented persons globally to develop their careers in Hong Kong.