Government fully supports publication of Hong Kong Chronicles by Hong Kong Chronicles Institute (with photos)

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, today (September 9) chaired the annual meeting of the Hong Kong Chronicles Institute (HKCI) at Government House to receive a briefing on the progress and the latest plan of the publication of the Hong Kong Chronicles by the HKCI. A number of Secretaries of Departments and Directors of Bureaux also attended the meeting to learn more about the work.
     "The publication of the Hong Kong Chronicles is a mammoth cultural project that is vital to history preservation as well as understanding of Hong Kong and the country by the next generations. I am grateful to the Our Hong Kong Foundation led by the first Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee Hwa, for shouldering the huge responsibility for publishing the Hong Kong Chronicles, and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for providing continuous financial support to the work. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and I will fully support the work, and the relevant bureaux and departments will also render assistance.
     "With the efforts of the editorial team, the first book of Hong Kong Chronicles, 'Overview & Chronology', was published last year and well received by the public. It was not only picked as the best book of the year by a publisher, but was also awarded two prizes in the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards 2021 for marketing strategy and in the category of social science publications. This is testimony to the recognition of the work on the publication of the chronicles by various sectors. I also noted that there are a number of young researchers in the editorial team. I believe that their understanding of the country and sense of national identity have been enhanced through their participation in the work.
     "The theme of the second book of the Hong Kong Chronicles will be Hong Kong's participation in the reform and opening up of the country. I look forward to the publication of the book later this year to enable different sectors of society as well as Mainland compatriots to know more about the contributions by Hong Kong in the country’s reform and opening up," Mrs Lam said.

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